Membership Application Candidates with Post Graduate Qualifications in Relevant Areas


Currently, to be admitted into the two-year membership programme, the candidate must have passed or be exempted from the primary examination of the Ghana College of Pharmacists and admitted through an interview process.

The purpose of this policy is to outline the principles that apply to candidates seeking exemption from the primaries programme. For the partial fulfillment of membership programme requirements, it is recommended that pharmacists with relevant prior post-graduate qualifications be allowed to go directly into residency without going through the 1-year primaries programme.

Exemption Process

The exemption will only be awarded when the Academic Board is completely satisfied that the knowledge gained from the prior postgraduate qualification is equivalent to the level of knowledge at the primaries level.

  1. Candidates submit the relevant documents including transcripts, subject to the scrutiny of the admissions committee;
  2. The courses taken by the candidate must be examined and compared with the courses taken at the primaries level;
  3. Candidates will be made to take any other course(s) not covered during their masters or doctorate training.

The Admissions Committee after a thorough assessment will submit a recommendation for exemption to the Rector for admission.

Relevant postgraduate areas

Clinical PharmacyMSc. Clinical Pharmacy MPhil Clinical Pharmacy PhD Clinical Pharmacy
Community and Family Health PharmacyMSc. Bioethics MBA (Management) MSc. Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc. Entrepreneurship
Drug & Herbal Medicine Discovery, Development and ProductionMPhil Drug Discovery and Development MSc. Herbal Medicine MSc. Pharmacognosy MPhil Pharmacology MPhil Natural Product Sciences
Quality AssuranceMSc. in Pharmaceutical QA and Regulation MSc. in Quality Assurance MSc. Pharmaceutical Technology and Quality Assurance
Social & Administrative PharmacyMSc. in Pharmacy Administration MSc. Health Systems MBA Total Quality Management MSc. Pharmacy/ Medical Education MSc. Social Pharmacy MSc. Management Postgraduate Degree in Psychology of Health
Public Health PharmacyMaster of Public Health Doctor of Public Health Masters in Health Informatics MPhil in Applied Epidemiology and Disease Control MSc Public Health Monitoring and Evaluation

Please Note: This list is not exhaustive as the ultimate decision lies with the admissions committee.

Get in touch

872 Arch Ave.
Chaska, Palo Alto, CA 55318
ph: +1.123.434.965

Work inquiries

ph: +1.321.989.645