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JUNE 28 TO 29, 2022

The 2022 Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference of the Ghana College of Pharmacists (GCP) took place in Accra from June 28 to 29, 2022. It was held under the theme “Improving Access to Quality Health Services through Specialist Pharmacists Training”..

Participants, over the two days, deliberated on the theme of the conference and discussed four (4) scientific papers, the report of the Rector as well as reports from Faculty meetings.

Noting that services provided by specialist pharmacists did not only significantly contribute to medication adherence, reduction in antimicrobial resistance and general improvement in  cost-effectiveness of drug therapy but also served as a strategic path towards achieving universal health coverage;

Noting further the challenges of the College including inadequate staffing, non-recognition of qualifications from some faculties of the College by the Ghana Health Service and relevant stakeholders;

Considering the need for pharmacists to be more involved in vaccination, antigen testing and other public health interventions;

Considering also the description of pharmacist by the World Health Organization and the European Commission as key players in patient blood management (PBM); and

Bearing in mind the emergence of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) which demonstrated the challenges a single infection can pose to health systems across the globe,

Participants recommended the following:

  1. Setting up of an endowment fund with a board of trustees and strict measures for accountability for use to meet the financial challenges of the College whilst frequently reminding Members and Fellows of the need to settle their retention fees.
  2. Engaging with the Ghana Health Service on competencies acquired by specialist pharmacists during their training and how to move them to their appropriate levels within the sector.
  3. Encouraging specialists to engage in operational research on contemporary issues affecting pharmacy practice and national health, alone or in collaboration with schools of pharmacy and other institutions.

Participants further resolved as follows:

  1. To promote impactful research through collaborations with relevant stakeholders with appropriate dissemination of findings and expertise with members and fellows to effectively communicate our contribution towards the national health agenda.
  2. To ensure that all specialists trained in the various faculties of the College as set out by the Specialist Health Training And Plant Medicine Research Act, 2011 (Act 833) are recognized by user agencies in order to promote the agenda aimed at achieving Universal Health Coverage.


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