pharmacists vaccinators training

GCPHARM for life

Course overview

Data from the Expanded Programme for Immunisation indicates that there is currently an increasing gap with respect to urban immunisation.  There are increasing numbers of persons in urban areas who are not being reached with the current strategies. 

The COVID-19 vaccination rollout has further accentuated the importance of getting more people vaccinated within the shortest possible time to ensure that distribution and administration of vaccines will be as efficient as possible when vaccines are available.

All across the world, community practice pharmacists have been found to contribute significantly to improving health outcomes when they get involved at all levels of health care delivery. Involvement in immunisation is no different.

The incorporation of pharmacists into vaccination teams will provide an added benefit to both team members and members of the public as the competencies of this cadre of healthcare professionals are utilised during campaigns and routine immunisation programmes.

In order to equip pharmacists with relevant knowledge and skills for their effective participation in vaccination exercises, an MOU has been signed between the College and the Ghana Health Service( GHS) to train pharmacists. 

course objectives

The objectives of this training are to:

course description

Topics to be treated include:

Admission process

We have a simple admission process

1. Conceptual training: six (6) days.

2. Practical Session: Four to six weeks

3. First Aid Training: One (1) to two (2) days

1. A Bachelor of Pharmacy or Doctor of Pharmacy degree from an accredited institution.

2. A registered pharmacist in good standing with the Pharmacy Council of Ghana.

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by the secretariat.

Tel: 0302246705


Mrs Akosua Agyei on 0200327605


Governing Act

This is the binding document that we use to as our constitution in operation


guidelines for vaccination

Access the guidelines for vaccination against COVID-19 and other vaccine-preventable disease in community pharmacies


View some photos from previous cohorts of the Pharmacists vaccinators training



Get in touch

872 Arch Ave.
Chaska, Palo Alto, CA 55318
ph: +1.123.434.965

Work inquiries
ph: +1.321.989.645