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Knowledge and challenges of pharmacists in Ghana during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Coronavirus disease 2019 is a public health problem which has had a significant impact on healthcare workers globally. Pharmacists have played a vital role in public education, approval of treatment options and manageme nt of infected individuals during the pandemic. This study assessed the knowledge and challenges of pharmacists in Ghana during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. A cross-sectional study was conducted amongst registered pharmacists in Ghana from 13″‘ July to 19′ August, 2020 after seeking ethical approval. Data was collected using a pre-tested validated online questionnaire. Data was entered into Microsoft Excel and was exported to STATA 15.0 for stafisticaJ analysis. Factors influencing pharmacists’ ability to work and challenges were summarized as frequencies, percentages and a chart. A total of 488 pharmacists parflcipated in this study, Official international health organization sites and media (N=442, 90.57%) and official government sites and media (N=404, 82.79%) were the most commo n sources of info rma0on on the coronavirus disease 2019 for pharmacists. Over a quarter of the parccipants (N=122, 28.48%) had been tested for the disease, and 354 (72.54%) had sufficient knowledge about the disease. A total of 398 (B1.56%) parficipants admitted they had used their own personal protechve equipment at work. Factors that posifively influenced participants’ a a lity to work included mofivafion (N=36, 21.2%), a sense of duty (N=33, 19.4%) and enforcement of safety protocols (N=20, 11.8%). Non- adherence to safety protocols {N=41, 23.98%), fear of exposure to the virus (N=35, 20.47%) and inadequate provision of personal protective equipment (N=30, 17.54%) were common challenges faced. Pharmacists in various fields of practice demonstrated sufficient knowledge on the coronavirus disease 2019. Their expense can be utilized to prevent and control the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 in Ghana.

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